Saturday, January 15, 2011


Was A First Degree Murder Charge Justified?

A homeless and suspected mentally ill man, was charged recently, with killing a Toronto Police Officer, with a snowplow, after the officer, also tried to stop him, in the stolen vehicle.
Richard Kachkar, 44, was charged with both a first degree murder and two counts of second degree murder charges, in the death of the Toronto police officer, Ryan Russell, 35 years old. Richard Kachkar, had also, allegedly, stolen the vehicle earlier and had also driven off with it, barefooted in the snow and was later chased by the police, was also shot by the police, in the incident. The incident has also brought up questions, as to whether the charges, that were also laid against the homeless man, were also justified, under the circumstances, or were the police also just looking for revenge, for the killing of one of their own. With the media also feedy the frenzy, surrounding the events, by their very bias reports.

Every time that a Toronto police officer, gets killed in the line of duty, there are also severe reprecussions afterwards. This case is also no different. It is also one of those cases, where justice may also not be served properly. It is alleged that Kachkar had hit the police officer, with the snowplow, which he was also driving erratically, on the street, hitting also other other vehicles in the process. But it has also, not been proven, as yet, if he has also done so, deliberately, or if he is even guilty of committing a crime at all, based on the evidence, let alone facing three murder charges, all relating to the same event. Just because someone allegedly commits a crime, and is charged, does not mean that they are also guilty of it, under the law. It must also be proven as well. It is up to the court to decide this and not the police, or the media. I for one, would also like to see the evidence, that this alleged mentally ill man, has also plotted to kill that police officer, which is usually the interpretation of a first degree murder. That it is also premeditated. Secondly, if he is, in fact, mentally ill, he will also most likely, not be found guilty of the alleged crime, providing that he is also, fit enough to be tried for it, for those reasons. Why is the same media, also silent, when the police also commits, a crime, against the public and also gets away with it? Both open and secret crimes. The SIU, has also cleared, virtually all, of the Toronto police officers, who has also caused the deaths, or injuries of other members of the public, while on duty. Where are the sympathies for those victims families also? The job of a police officer, is also not the only dangerous job that there is. So is that of a fireman and many others.

In pertaining to their job of policing, sometimes they either do less, or take their duties too far, where it also infringes upon the rights of others. In 2009, the Toronto police, in their investigation of a missing teenager, 17 year old Miriam Makhniashvili, the police in canvassing the area, where she lived, were also not satisfied, with just knocking on doors and asking questions, in also gathering their evidence. In the apartments in the area, they also entered people's homes and searched under the beds, kitchen sinks and closets, as well as the cars in the garage and lockers in the buildings. It is also reported, that they also did this, to every single apartment, that they also convassed, looking for evidence. The Toronto police, also confiscated, all of the public computers, at the libraries in the area, which I also happened to live and also witnessed, and this action by the police, was also permitted by the Toronto Public Library executives, who also permitted the police, to gain access to people's private information, on the computers, without their permission, while they were also looking for evidence of a crime. Library patrons, were ordered off of the public computers, while the police also took the computers away, to search for information, that would also help them with their case, in solving the crime. Did they go too far in their duties? Did the police also had a right, to search people's homes in that manner? The fact that a judge, may have also authorized the police, to also searched into people's homes, randomly, looking for evidence, in that case, is also, I believed, a human rights violation, on their part, in regards to the occupant's right to privacy, in their home, who also has nothing to do with the crime. They have also, still, yet to find the missing teenager, but they also wanted to show, that they were doing everything in their power, and also outside of it, to also convince the public otherwise. If the general media, also, continues to be bias, concerning the police, why should anyone, also, expect them to change the way, that they also do things? Does the current charges against the homeless man, Richard Kachkar, also reversed the situation that has occurred, involving the Toronto police officer? Of coure not.