Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Like so many Ontario Justice of the Peace who are corrupted this one Justice of the Peace Deena F. Baltman sits on the Brampton Superior Court of Justice and instead of dispensing justice she instead carries out her own version of it. It is extremely unfortunate and also to the public disadvantage for this woman to continue to decide on those family cases before her. It is most unfortunate for the children in those cases because she does not make her decisions in regards to the best interest of the child but other factors. For example she is most definitely influenced by the actions of others including the court staff. One of those court staff Rhonda Marshall recently sent Justice of the Peace Baltman an internal memo that was unfortunately for her also read out in court that also reflected negatively on those who had their case before her. The memo was intended to influence her decision in regards to that particular case. It is not uncommon for the Judge or the Justice of the Peace in Ontario courts to obstruct justice in cases before them by their joint collaboration with court staff in those cases. There are numerous complaints in regards to that. (See also "Court Watch" website on that issue). For instance what the public has also observed in those cases in that the particular Justice of the Peace Deena F.Baltman would leave those cases that she intends to influence personally to the last when the court room is empty or cleared of most of the participants and then acts or carries out decisions that are not in the public best interest. As I and others like Court Watch and other members of the public has observed this is also a very common practice in all of the courts in Ontario. Brampton Court in Ontario also has those court staff who I and others have believed do not serve the interest of the public. It has included such persons as Joan Zammit who is a supervisor at that court and is very disregarding in how she deals with the public at that court. The biggest concern of course are those regarding Justice of the Peace such as J.P Deena F. Baltman or others such as Justice David L. Corbett who disregards the administration of justice in their decisions and has no regard for either the public or the law itself. She also has a very big ego which is also noticeable to the public and does this too seemed to be a factor in regards to how she handles cases before her. Among her other past roles are those as adjudicator and mediator for several tribunals and one can only wonder how she has handled those other public offices as well. With the same disregard for the law as she has shown as a Justice of the Peace. (I have deliberately refrained from mentioning the names of some of those tribunals that she has also chaired because it would appear to make this report bias. (Because one or more of them has been regularly mentioned here on my blog and although this did not influence me in my reporting of the facts concerning her new role as a Justice of the Peace and how she has perverted the administration of justice in that new role as well).