Friday, August 14, 2009

Re: The Canadian Centre For Victims Of Torture


It is necessary first to also define what torture is under the United Nations Convension Against Torture and Other Cruel Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Torture under that article is defined as:

Any act by which severe pain or suffering whether physical or mental is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him, or a third person, information or a confession punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to lawful sanctions.
– Convention Against Torture, Article 1.1
Further to quote from the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims
"From this definition, it can be said that torture is the intentional infliction of severe mental or physical pain or suffering by or with the consent of the state authorities for a specific purpose. The aim of torture is to break down the victim's personality and is often used to punish obtain information or a confession take revenge on a person or create terror and fear within a population...
Torture is distinguished from other forms of ill-treatment by the severe degree of suffering involved. It encompasses many forms of suffering, both physical and psychological, which are remarkably similar worldwide. Most techniques seek to prolong the victims' pain and fear for as long as possible without leaving visible evidence...
It is important not to forget about psychological forms of ill-treatment which very often have the most long-lasting consequences for victims...Who are the victims?...Frequent victims are politicians, union leaders, journalists health professionals, human rights defenders, people in detention, or prison members of ethnic minorities and student leaders.
Victims of torture do not suffer alone. In many cases the victims' families and friends are also affected. The broader society may also be indirectly affected. The use of torture sends a strong warning to those within a political social or religious opposition. Who are the perpetrators? Those most likely to be involved in torture and other forms of ill-treatment are:
• the police
• the military
• paramilitary forces
• state-controlled contra-guerrilla forces. But perpetrators may also include:
• prison officers
• death squads
• any government official
• health professionals
• co-detainees acting with the approval or on the orders of public officials

I have started a public campaign against the Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture. This is because this agency has been complacent in regards to victims of torture within Canada. It does not support such victims or even recognized such actions taking place within Canada and it also reports directly back to the Canadian government though it is not a government agency. This is not helping the situation for those victims of abuse and torture within this country most of whom have been targeted by the Canadian authorities and in some cases by the Canadian government directly. I have given this subject wide coverage on my blog because I have been personally affected by the actions of those Canadian authorities and knows of other cases as well taking place within this country that violates international standards on human rights. DO NOT SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS LIKE CANADIAN CENTRE FOR VICTIMS OF TORTURE. Until this organization recognizes and helps those victims of torture within this country its should not even be considered as being of any help in that area. It must begin to take such claims that are happening here, just as seriously as it does for those other cases that it is mandated to investigate on behalf of the Canadian government. I believe that it has compromised its position by not officially recognizing such cases within Canada. Of course, the Canadian government endorses this position. But that is not exactly the truth of the matter. I respect any person or organization who is bold enough to speak the truth on these issues.